Calculator your ROI with Surfboard

Cost Calculator
$ an hour
What’s this? The average amount of time your surfers work on service, excluding things like breaks, meetings and training.
What’s this? Full time staff in Europe usually work 48 weeks a year and in the US it’s 50 weeks.

Your return on investment

through better productivity

10x $25,950
+100 Additional hours per week
What’s this? Additional hours of time you gain from your surfers being on-task
+$100 Productivity gains per year
What’s this? Monetary equivalent of additional time gained from your surfers being on-task
-9 Headcount saved in future
What’s this? Surfer headcount equivalent of additional time gained from your surfers being on-task
Based on a 12% increase in productivity through tracking time on-task and sharing scores with your team

Save time with automated scheduling

Supercharge surfer productivity by 3x


Improve your customer experience

Want to measure the ROI of WFM scheduling software?

  • Reduced attrition and related costs
  • Increased productivity
  • More efficient use of surfers
  • More visibility over your costs

Learn how to build a solid WFM business case

Read our reviews

Surfboard WFM reviews sourced by G2

Take your team to the next level